This page of the blog contains the photo/video history of the clinics. I intend to eventually post photos/videos of each day of the mission trip. It may take a while to finish this page, but I plan to complete it eventually. Check back for updates. I hope this encourages you in your walk with Jesus Christ.
Notes: (1) Some maps have different English spellings of the names of the Cities in Cambodia. Sophal, one of the van drivers, purchased a map for me to use that was the most accurate. So I will use the English spelling based on that map. (2) Comments about the videos are provided first, followed by the video.
Sunday, November 30, 2010
Sunday Church Service in Phnom Penh
We all went to the Church held upstairs in TransformAsia's Office in Phnom Penh on Sunday morning. All the Team members enjoyed a great time of worship with the Khmer congregation. This is a sample of the church Praise Band.
Rev. Ron Cole delivered a message to the congregation, Dr. Setan Lee translated. This short video contains his opening comments to the members of the congregation.
The congregation asked Ron to bring a series of messages Sunday morning, they wanted 1.5 to 2 hours of preaching and teaching. A little different than your average American Sunday morning Church service. However, after Ron preached for about 30 minutes he became very tired due to jet lag. So Dr. Lee brought a message to the congregation. He spoke mostly in the Khmer language, but there were times during his message when he spoke in English so the Americans on the medical mission team could follow along. This video is a portion of his message in English.
Monday, November 29, 2010
The first Medical Clinic at a Church founded by TransformAsia in Kdol Village, about an hour from Kampong Chhnang.
I hope Bob Cadwell can see the crosses that he made being handed out to the children by Sam Hopper our Team Leader. They were a big hit. We handed out only a limited number today. I am allocating a certain amount each day so that we have enough for some of the children at each of the clinics. I am also saving enough for all the children at the David Center Orphanage. Thank you Brother Bob and may the Lord use these little wooden crosses to remind these little children of Himself! (The internet is not allowing me to upload a video for some reason. I will post pictures for now and hope that at some point I can post the video as well.)
Photos of the drama team
Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010
Clinic in a primary school building in Chroneak Village near the City of Kampong Chhnang.
Triage centers and chiropractor's tables
The Pharmacy
The prayer line
Scenes from the 2nd Clinic
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Clinic at Samroung District near the City of Pousat
Getting Started
Some of our Translators
Dr. Nelson and Dr. Setan treating a man who had malaria
(Sam Hopper and Ron Cole are standing behind them praying)
The Pharmacy
In this photo I am standing with translator Mayoulith (left in photo) who helped me last year and John Clark (right)
Sam Hopper and the Buddhist Monk
Sam's Testimony of what Jesus did for this Buddhist Monk
Do you see the smile on this Buddhist Monk's face? If you had only been there to have watched this man from beginning to the end of his experience being brought before the Father in Jesus see the transformation on this man's face. I can tell by the look on his face that he knows something happened to him. Jesus touched him! This picture is like a Christmas present to me...I can sit and look at it for a long time. It has brought tears to my eyes.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Clinic at Rokakiri Village between Pousat and Bat Dambang
A testimony of healing. This woman had a 'frozen' right arm. After prayer she was able to lift it easily above her head.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Clinic in a village near Poipet
I did not attend this clinic. I was at the David Center Orphanage helping with a sanitation problem. When I rejoined the Team Wednesday night in Siem Reap they were very excited with a report of the Lord healing an 8 year old girl who had one leg about 2 inches shorter than the other one. They prayed that God would lengthen the short leg so that it matched the length of her longer leg. God did that; He caused her leg to lengthen to match the longer leg. After prayer she no longer walked with a limp but could walk and run normally. They had her checked by Chiropractor Dr. Rick Sakala after prayer. The reason that they had her checked by Dr. Rick was because this woman had come through the Chiropractic line before prayer for adjustment, so Dr. Rick treated her and knew that one leg was shorter than the other. He verified that after prayer both of her legs were the same length. I was finally able to get with Sam Hopper and have him give his testimony at the Seoul, South Korea airport. We were going to take different flights back to the USA and the Lord reminded me that I had not yet obtained a video testimony of God healing this woman. I asked Sam at the airport if he would allow me the opportunity to video him while he gave his testimony. This healing event happened on Wednesday, December 8, 2010 in Poipet, Cambodia although the video was taken Saturday, December 11, 2010 in the Seoul Airport.