Sunday, December 12, 2010

Journey Back Home Part II

I am home - Praise God for safe and smooth traveling back home!  I am sitting in one of the favorite spots on the couch in front of the wood stove beside the Christmas Tree. I hear the Christmas Carols playing in the background,  Hannah, Dan and Drew are making breakfast.

When I woke up this morning it was 34 deg. outside with a white dusting of snow on the ground.

It was about 80 degrees when I left Cambodia Friday night when I left the Phnom Penh airport.  It is hard for me to believe that Friday night I was in Phnom Penh.  The Medical Mission trip to Cambodia of 2010 went by so fast!  I knew it would.  It was a wonderful experience and I praise God that He called me to be part of that Team. In two weeks I made friendships that will last a lifetime.  Sam, Ron, Rick, Cyndy, John, Regina, Glenn, Evelyn, George, Nelson, Setan, the translators, the drivers the drama are in my heart forever!

I want to share one main thought that is in my heart right now and it is directed primarily to those of you reading this blog who are born again by Jesus living in America.  You have read some of the miraculous events that I posted on this web site, and I will be posting more in the days ahead.  You may have thrilled with me at the marvelous things that Jesus did during the two weeks of Medical Mission and Evangelism in Cambodia.  Now I ask you a question, what is happening in your world where you live?  As you live your day to day life in America, walking with the living Lord Jesus Christ, do you expect Him to do the miraculous in your life?  Do you expect your co-worker to be saved? Do you pray for your co-worker to be saved, do you share Christ with him or her?  Do you expect Jesus to heal you of your infirmities?  Do you pray and ask for  healing?  It's one thing to read on a blog about a  person (me) seeing and/or being involved in miraculous healing by Jesus and people getting saved while he is on a mission trip in a third world country.  But what about you where you live and go to church?  Is this type of thing happening in  your life?  I hope so.  Get excited about Jesus!  He is alive, active, living and moving in the lives of human beings all around the globe, and in your community!  Recognize this and make sure your life is connected to this living and reigning Lord Jesus Christ!

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